
VII.8 Pompeii. Forum West Side. Foro Civile, Lato Ovest. Westseite des Forums.

Excavated 1813.


Part 3      Part 4      Part 1      Part 2


Foro/Forum:  Nord/North      Est/East      Sud/South      Tempio di Iuppiter/Temple of Jupiter      Pianta/Plan


VII.8 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking south-west across Forum. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.

VII.8 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking south-west across Forum. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.


VII.8 Pompeii. July 2012. 
Looking south-west across Forum. Note there are no horizontal beams at the top of the upper rows of columns.
Photo courtesy of John Vanko. His father took the identical photo in February 1952, see below.

VII.8 Pompeii. July 2012.

Looking south-west across Forum. Note there are no horizontal beams at the top of the upper rows of columns.

Photo courtesy of John Vanko. His father took the identical photo in February 1952, see below.


VII.8 Pompeii. February 1952. 
Looking south-west across Forum. Note the horizontal beams at the top of the upper rows of columns.
Photo courtesy of John Vanko. His father took this photo in 1952, identical to the one above.

VII.8 Pompeii. February 1952.

Looking south-west across Forum. Note the horizontal beams at the top of the upper rows of columns.

Photo courtesy of John Vanko. His father took this photo in 1952, identical to the one above.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2005. West side looking south-west.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2005. West side looking south-west.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2005. Two-tier portico on west side, looking south-west. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2005. Two-tier portico on west side, looking south-west. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking towards west side with two-tier portico. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking towards west side with two-tier portico. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west across Forum.  
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking west across Forum. 

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019.  Looking north-west towards west side of Forum. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-west towards west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2014. Looking north-west towards west side of Forum.  
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2014. Looking north-west towards west side of Forum.  

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2022. Looking towards west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2022. Looking towards west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. 
Looking west towards “suggestum”, or base, on north side of two-tier portico. At the rear is the Temple of Apollo.
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 123.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39.

Looking west towards “suggestum”, or base, on north side of two-tier portico. At the rear is the Temple of Apollo.

Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 123.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2023. 
Looking west towards east side of base with remaining letter Q, still visible. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2023.

Looking west towards east side of base with remaining letter Q, still visible. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2023. 
Looking towards east side of base with remaining letter Q, still visible. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
According to Van Buren – The Great Inscription of the Pavement of the Forum.
“It is well known that the pavement of the Forum was paved, about the beginning of the first century AD, with large blocks of limestone, well laid, and that at present, while considerable portions of this pavement are preserved at the north and south ends, the open space in the centre has been denuded except for a few isolated blocks. This pavement antedates the original construction of the limestone portico, which was in process of construction in 63AD and had been begun or at least was contemplated under Tiberius; it is earlier than the bases of equestrian statues along the west side of the Forum, since these were constructed upon it; and it is earlier than some, but later than others, of the bases of equestrian statues along the north and south ends of the Forum.
The reason for the disappearance of most of the central portion of this fine pavement is to be sought in the activities of the survivors after the eruption of 79: the Forum, like the Amphitheatre and the great theatre, could easily be found, and it furnished too valuable a quarry of building materials to be left unworked.
It has not been recognised however that this pavement contained a great inscription, in letters of bronze set into the limestone blocks, and running from the west to the east side of the Forum. 
Of this monumental inscription there survives in position only the cutting for the first letter, a Q, in a block of the pavement immediately to the east of the very large oblong statue base which is situated at about the middle of the west side of the Forum (see Plan fig 1, Note 3 below).
This one letter, given its character and position, is ample evidence of the former existence of the whole inscription: similar pavements containing similar inscriptions have been preserved in at least three instances.”
See Van Buren, A. W., 1918. The Forum at Pompeii in MAAR Vol II, p. 71 (and note 3, below).

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2023.

Looking towards east side of base with remaining letter Q, still visible. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

According to Van Buren – The Great Inscription of the Pavement of the Forum.

“It is well known that the pavement of the Forum was paved, about the beginning of the first century AD, with large blocks of limestone, well laid, and that at present, while considerable portions of this pavement are preserved at the north and south ends, the open space in the centre has been denuded except for a few isolated blocks. This pavement antedates the original construction of the limestone portico, which was in process of construction in 63AD and had been begun or at least was contemplated under Tiberius; it is earlier than the bases of equestrian statues along the west side of the Forum, since these were constructed upon it; and it is earlier than some, but later than others, of the bases of equestrian statues along the north and south ends of the Forum.

The reason for the disappearance of most of the central portion of this fine pavement is to be sought in the activities of the survivors after the eruption of 79: the Forum, like the Amphitheatre and the great theatre, could easily be found, and it furnished too valuable a quarry of building materials to be left unworked.

It has not been recognised however that this pavement contained a great inscription, in letters of bronze set into the limestone blocks, and running from the west to the east side of the Forum.

Of this monumental inscription there survives in position only the cutting for the first letter, a Q, in a block of the pavement immediately to the east of the very large oblong statue base which is situated at about the middle of the west side of the Forum (see Plan fig 1, Note 3 below).

This one letter, given its character and position, is ample evidence of the former existence of the whole inscription: similar pavements containing similar inscriptions have been preserved in at least three instances.”

See Van Buren, A. W., 1918. The Forum at Pompeii in MAAR Vol II, p. 71 (and note 3, below).


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2024. 
Letter Q, in a block of the pavement immediately to the east of the very large base which is situated at about the middle of the west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2024.

Letter Q, in a block of the pavement immediately to the east of the very large base which is situated at about the middle of the west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. Plan of Forum.
“The lower part of a similar letter, an L, exists in a block of limestone apparently relaid in antiquity or in modern times, in the open space of the Forum to the west of the north end of the portico in front of the Building of Eumachia.”
See Van Buren, A. W., 1918. The Forum at Pompeii in MAAR Vol II, Fig. 1, p. 71 (and note 3).

VII.8.00 Pompeii. Plan of Forum.

“The lower part of a similar letter, an L, exists in a block of limestone apparently re-laid in antiquity or in modern times, in the open space of the Forum to the west of the north end of the portico in front of the Building of Eumachia.”

See Van Buren, A. W., 1918. The Forum at Pompeii in MAAR Vol II, Fig. 1, p. 71 (and note 3).


VII.8.00 Pompeii. May 2024. 
Row of limestone slabs on east side of Forum, looking east towards north end of portico of Eumachia’s Building.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8.00 Pompeii. May 2024.

Row of limestone slabs on east side of Forum, looking east towards north end of portico of Eumachia’s Building.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. May 2024. 
Row of limestone slabs on east side of Forum, looking west from north end of portico of Eumachia’s Building.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
(Note – the letter L could not be securely identified.)

VII.8.00 Pompeii. May 2024.

Row of limestone slabs on east side of Forum, looking west from north end of portico of Eumachia’s Building.

Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

(Note – the letter L could not be securely identified.)


VII.8.00, Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Detail of column on west side of Forum.
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Detail of column on west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Detail of column on west side of Forum.
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Detail of column on west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.



VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking towards west side with two-tier portico. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking towards west side with two-tier portico. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2001. Looking north-west towards west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Peter Woods.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. October 2001. Looking north-west towards west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Peter Woods.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019. Two-tier portico on west side of Forum. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019. Two-tier portico on west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019.  Detail of two-tier portico on west side of Forum. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019.  Detail of two-tier portico on west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. June 2010. Two-tier portico on west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. June 2010. Two-tier portico on west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. 4th December 1971. West side of Forum. 
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer, from Dr George Fay’s slides collection.

VII.8 Pompeii. 4th December 1971. West side of Forum.

Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer, from Dr George Fay’s slides collection.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1964. Looking west across Forum towards one of the side entrances to the Temple of Apollo, now partly filled in/closed.  Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1964.

Looking west across Forum towards one of the side entrances to the Temple of Apollo. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1956. Two-tier portico on west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1956. Two-tier portico on west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 1939, a stop during a world cruise. Looking towards west side and two tier portico. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 1939, a stop during a world cruise.

Looking towards west side and two-tier portico. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.







VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Looking north along west side
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2019. Looking north along west side

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2005. Looking north along the west side.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2005. Looking north along the west side.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. View dated June 1952, of west side of Forum, looking north. 
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. View dated June 1952, of west side of Forum, looking north. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. April 1903. Looking north along west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii. April 1903. Looking north along west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. September 2021. Looking north-east, from west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8 Pompeii. September 2021. Looking north-east, from west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-east from west side of Forum. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking north-east from west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8.00 Pompeii. September 2017. Looking north-east, from west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VII.8 Pompeii. September 2017. Looking north-east, from west side of Forum. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2005. Looking west. On the left is the west entrance/exit to the Forum, at the end of Via Marina.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2005. Looking west. On the left is the west entrance/exit to the Forum, at the end of Via Marina.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2018. Looking west across Forum, with Basilica on left. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2018. Looking west across Forum, with Basilica on left. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. January 2023. 
Looking west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, in centre. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. January 2023.

Looking west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, in centre. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. 
Looking west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021.

Looking west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right. Photo courtesy of Robert Hanson.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking west towards entrance/exit from the Forum, into Via Marina.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. August 2021. Looking west towards entrance/exit from the Forum, into Via Marina.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019. 
Looking south-west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019.

Looking south-west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. December 2018. Looking south-west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right. 
Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VII.8 Pompeii. December 2018.

Looking south-west across Forum towards the entrance/exit to Via Marina, on right. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2006. Two tier colonnade on west side, looking north-east.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2006. Two tier colonnade on west side, looking north-east.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2006. West side.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2006. West side.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2024.
Looking north along west side of Forum portico, with Temple of Apollo, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2024.

Looking north along west side of Forum portico, with Temple of Apollo, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2022. 
Looking north along west side of Forum portico, with Temple of Apollo, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. April 2022.

Looking north along west side of Forum portico, with Temple of Apollo, on left. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. July 2021. Looking north along west side of Forum portico.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. July 2021. Looking north along west side of Forum portico.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015.  Looking north along west side of Forum portico.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015.  Looking north along west side of Forum portico.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015.  Looking north along west side of Forum portico.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015.  Looking north along west side of Forum portico.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking north-east across west side of Forum portico.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking north-east across west side of Forum portico.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking north-east across west side of Forum portico.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking north-east across west side of Forum portico.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking south in south-west corner of Forum.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. Looking south in south-west corner of Forum.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2018. Looking south on west side.
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2018. Looking south on west side.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2018. Looking south towards south-west corner, with Basilica, on right.
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2018. Looking south towards south-west corner, with Basilica, on right.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. West portico near the entrance to the Basilica,  in south-west corner.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. September 2015. West portico near the entrance to the Basilica, in south-west corner.


Forum, west side, September 2015. Looking south at detail of surface below the west portico in south-west corner.

Forum, west side, September 2015. Looking south at detail of surface below the west portico in south-west corner.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2018. Looking west in south-west corner towards Basilica. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. December 2018. Looking west in south-west corner towards Basilica. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2014. Looking east from Basilica in south-west corner of Forum.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2014. Looking east from Basilica in south-west corner of Forum.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2010. South-west corner, looking south from the end of the Via Marina.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. May 2010. South-west corner, looking south from the end of the Via Marina.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking south along west side. 
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 1121.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking south along west side.

Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 1121.


VII.8.1 Pompeii Forum. 1943 photograph. Looking south in south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8.1 Pompeii Forum. 1943 photograph. Looking south in south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8.00, Pompeii. March 2019. Looking south-west on west side of Forum. 
Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking south-west on west side of Forum.

Foto Anne Kleineberg, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Two-tier colonnade in south-west corner.
Photographed 1970-79 by Günther Einhorn, picture courtesy of his son Ralf Einhorn.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Two-tier colonnade in south-west corner.

Photographed 1970-79 by Günther Einhorn, picture courtesy of his son Ralf Einhorn.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2014. 
Looking north along west side of Forum portico, from south-west corner. 
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. March 2014.

Looking north along west side of Forum portico, from south-west corner.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VII.8 Pompeii. November 1961. Looking north-east across Forum from west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii. November 1961. Looking north-east across Forum from west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum, west side. 1953.
Looking north-east from the Basilica on the west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum, west side. 1953.

Looking north-east from the Basilica on the west side. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking towards columns of portico on west side.
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 112.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking towards columns of portico on west side.

Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 112.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Detail.
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 113

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Detail.

Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 113.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking south-east from west side. 
Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 111.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. Pre-1937-39. Looking south-east from west side.

Photo courtesy of American Academy in Rome, Photographic Archive. Warsher collection no. 111.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 29th March 1922. 
Looking north-east from the Basilica towards the west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 29th March 1922.

Looking north-east from the Basilica towards the west side of the Forum. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1870s – 1880s stereo view of west side, looking east. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.8 Pompeii Forum. 1870s – 1880s stereo view of west side, looking east from the Basilica. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.



Part 4      Part 1      Part 2


Foro/Forum:  Nord/North      Est/East      Sud/South      Tempio di Iuppiter/Temple of Jupiter      Pianta/Plan




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 23-Jun-2024 19:10