In Notizie degli Scavi, prior to January 1897, this house was described as being in Insula 12 of Reg. VI. Afterwards it was changed to Insula 15 of Reg. VI.
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VI.15.1 Plan
VI.15.1 Pompeii. March 2023.
Looking south-west across atrium towards south ala, in centre, across impluvium towards peristyle. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023.
Looking south-west across impluvium in atrium, towards south ala h, in centre. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017.
Looking towards south side of atrium, with entrance to south ala (h), on right. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Doorway to south ala (h), on right. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017.
Looking south in atrium towards wall between cubiculum, on left,
and south ala, on right.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15. I Pompeii. October 2023.
South side of atrium, decorative painting between doorways. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. March 2023.
Detail from south atrium wall between cubiculum and south ala. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017. Detail from south atrium wall
between cubiculum and south ala.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. South side of atrium, decorative painting between doorways. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15. I Pompeii. October 2023. South side
of atrium, decorative painted panel between doorways. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
South side of atrium, decorative panel between doorways of cubiculum f, on left, and ala h, on right.
Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. South side of atrium, decorative painting between doorways. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017. Detail from lower south atrium wall
between cubiculum and south ala.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking towards south ala h. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2023. Looking towards south ala h. Photo courtesy of Miriam Colomer.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. March 2023.
Looking towards east wall, on left, and south wall, in centre, of south ala, h. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. December 2006. Ala on south side of atrium.
This room was transformed into a cupboard and closed towards the atrium, by a wall.
Also walled up was the window in the west wall looking towards the peristyle, as well as the door in the south-west corner leading into the triclinium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. July 2017. Detail of walling across north wall of
south ala, and floor with rows of white tesserae. Looking south from atrium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. July 2017.
South ala, looking south across flooring at west end towards
blocked doorway into triclinium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017. Looking towards south ala, with
statue of Priapus.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. December 2006. Ala on south side of atrium.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023.
South ala h, looking south along east wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. East wall of south ala.
The black zoccolo (lower part of wall) was decorated with panels containing painted plants, separated by narrow compartments.
Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. December 2006. Detail of painted panel from east wall in ala on south side of atrium.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. South-east corner of south ala. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2024. Ala h, looking towards south wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking towards
south wall of ala h. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Looking towards south wall of south ala. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. c.1895. Watercolour by Luigi Bazzani, looking towards south wall of south ala.
© Victoria and Albert Museum. Inventory number 12-1895.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023. South ala h, upper south wall. Photo
courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Painted decoration from upper south wall of south ala. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017. Detail of painted decoration from
upper south wall of south ala.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2024. Detail of painted decoration from upper south wall of south ala h. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2024. Detail of painted medallion on south wall of ala h. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. December 2006. Detail of medallion painting on south wall of ala on south side of atrium.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023.
Detail of architectural painting separating panels on south wall. Photo
courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2017. Painted panel of cocks from
south wall of ala on south side of atrium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. December 2006. Detail of painting with cocks in ala on south side of atrium.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. 1966. Detail of painting with cocks in ala on south side of atrium. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. 1898. Painting with 4 cockerels, one dead, on south wall in ala on south side of atrium.
In the centre is a table from which hang two ribbons, and on which stand a jug and a cockerel clashing with another cockerel below left.
A herm with the attitude of victory is on the right and in front of it is a cockerel with a palm branch in its beak.
See Sogliano A. La Casa dei Vettii in Monumenti Antichi VIII. Milan: Hoepli, p. 266 and fig. 12.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. June 2019. Statue of Priapus on display in south ala.
The flooring of the ala was made from lavapesto containing rows of small white tesserae. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
Originally the remains of the Priapus statue were found in the kitchen, see the pictures from 2006 and 2001 in VI.15.1 “Service”.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Statue of Priapus. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. March 2023.
Statue of Priapus, on display in exhibition in Palaestra. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. March 2023.
Statue of Priapus, on display in exhibition in Palaestra. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2023.
Statue of Priapus, detail of upper body and head, on display in exhibition in Palaestra.
Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2023.
Statue of Priapus, detail of head, on display in exhibition in Palaestra.
Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. January 2023.
Statue of Priapus, detail of face, on display in exhibition in Palaestra.
Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Detail of head of Priapus statue. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. May 2017. Detail of Priapus statue. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VI.15.1 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north-east across atrium from outside south ala, h. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VI.15.1 Plan