
VI.2.4 Pompeii. Casa di Sallustio or House of Sallust or Domus A. Cossius Libanus.

Excavated 1805 to 1809, 1969 to 1971, 2005 to 2007 and 2010.

Bombed 1943. Restored 1970.


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Plan


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south-east across small garden area.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south-east across small garden area.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking east across small garden area.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking east across small garden area.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Looking east across portico of small garden. This was originally a three sided peristyle. It was destroyed by a huge bomb in September 1943. It was reconstructed in 1970-71 based on an 1824 plan by Mazois. It should be noted that  apart from the west side, the house was entirely destroyed by the bombing during the night of 14/15th September 1943.  According to Laidlaw, the roof, the south apartment, and the portico behind the main house block are almost completely modern reconstructions made in 1970-71. See Garcia y Garcia, L., 2006. Danni di guerra a Pompei. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p. 66-74)

VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Looking east across portico of small garden.

This was originally a three-sided peristyle. It was destroyed by a huge bomb in September 1943.

It was reconstructed in 1970-71 based on an 1824 plan by Mazois.

It should be noted that, apart from the west side, the house was entirely destroyed by the bombing during the night of 14/15th September 1943.

According to Laidlaw, the roof, the south apartment, and the portico behind the main house block are almost completely modern reconstructions made in 1970-71.

See Garcia y Garcia, L., 2006. Danni di guerra a Pompei. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. (p. 66-74).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1908-1909. Looking east across small garden area/peristyle from doorway of large triclinium. 
According to Sogliano –
The above photo, fig. 4, shows the north and east sides of the peristyle, looking from the west side.
See Sogliano, A. (1909). Dei lavori eseguiti in Pompei dal i Luglio 1908 a tutto Giugno 1909, (fig.4, p.18/19).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1908-1909. Looking east across small garden area/peristyle from doorway of large triclinium.

According to Sogliano –

The above photo, fig. 4, shows the north and east sides of the peristyle, looking from the west side.

See Sogliano, A. (1909). Dei lavori eseguiti in Pompei dal i Luglio 1908 a tutto Giugno 1909, (fig.4, p.18/19).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1908-1909. Description by Sogliano.
See Sogliano, A. (1909). Dei lavori eseguiti in Pompei dal i Luglio 1908 a tutto Giugno 1909, (p. 19).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1908-1909. Description by Sogliano.

See Sogliano, A. (1909). Dei lavori eseguiti in Pompei dal i Luglio 1908 a tutto Giugno 1909, (p. 19).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. Between 1823 and 1828, plan drawn by F. Duban, showing garden area.
The kitchen area is to the west, on the left, the large triclinium is to the west, on the right.
The two diaeta/cubicula and the painting of Diana and Actaeon would have been at the top, and the doorway from the house is in the north wall, on the lower side.
See Duban F. Album de dessins d'architecture effectués par Félix Duban pendant son pensionnat à la Villa Medicis, entre 1823 et 1828: Tome 2, Pompéi, pl. 35.
INHA Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425 (2)
https://bibliotheque-numerique.inha.fr/idurl/1/7157  « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab

VI.2.4 Pompeii. Between 1823 and 1828, plan drawn by F. Duban, showing garden area.

The kitchen area is to the west, on the left, the large triclinium is to the west, on the right.

The two diaeta/cubicula and the painting of Diana and Actaeon would have been at the top, and the doorway from the house is in the north wall, on the lower side.

See Duban F. Album de dessins d'architecture effectués par Félix Duban pendant son pensionnat à la Villa Medicis, entre 1823 et 1828: Tome 2, Pompéi, pl. 35.

INHA Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425 (2)

https://bibliotheque-numerique.inha.fr/idurl/1/7157  « Licence OuverteOpen Licence » Etalab


VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Doorway of room on north side of small garden, leading to atrium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Doorway of room on north side of small garden, leading to atrium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. Doorway into small corridor, linking main house from garden apartments. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. Doorway into small corridor, linking main house with garden apartments. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Doorway into triclinium on west side of garden apartment.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Doorway into triclinium on west side of garden apartment.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. Triclinium on west side of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010.

Triclinium on west side of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Looking west across small garden towards triclinium.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Looking west across small garden towards triclinium.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. Sketch by Jean-Baptiste Ciceron Lesueur.
Looking east from portico outside of cubiculum in south-west corner of garden area, towards doorway of room in south-east corner.
See Lesueur, Jean-Baptiste Ciceron. Voyage en Italie de Jean-Baptiste Ciceron Lesueur (1794-1883), pl. 17.
See Book on INHA reference INHA NUM PC 15469 (04)  « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab

VI.2.4 Pompeii. Sketch by Jean-Baptiste Ciceron Lesueur.

Looking east from portico outside of cubiculum in south-west corner of garden area, towards doorway of room in south-east corner.

See Lesueur, Jean-Baptiste Ciceron. Voyage en Italie de Jean-Baptiste Ciceron Lesueur (1794-1883), pl. 17.

See Book on INHA reference INHA NUM PC 15469 (04)  « Licence OuverteOpen Licence » Etalab


VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south-west across small garden. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer. According to Jashemski, the rooms on the south part of the house were added at a later date around a peristyle garden. There was a portico on the north and part of the east and west sides, supported by seven, eight-sided dark red columns with white capitals. There was a gutter on the east, north and west sides.
Mau reported a pool and fountain in the middle of the garden but bombing in September 1943 destroyed all evidence of these.
There was a cistern-opening near the north-west corner of the garden.
The triclinium on the west had a good view of the garden. See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.121)

VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south-west across small garden. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

According to Jashemski, the rooms on the south part of the house were added at a later date around a peristyle garden.

There was a portico on the north and part of the east and west sides, supported by seven, eight-sided dark red columns with white capitals.

There was a gutter on the east, north and west sides.

Mau reported a pool and fountain in the middle of the garden but bombing in September 1943 destroyed all evidence of these.

There was a cistern-opening near the north-west corner of the garden.

The triclinium on the west had a good view of the garden.

See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p. 121).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. Looking north-west across garden apartment towards cubiculum and exedra. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010.

Looking south-west across garden apartment towards cubiculum and exedra/triclinium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1909-1911. 
Painting by Gregor Rosenbauer, looking south-west across garden apartment towards cubiculum. 
Photo courtesy Foto Marburg © Architekturmuseum der TU München, Inventar-Nr. rosen-30-19, 1149367. CC-BY-NC-ND.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1909-1911.

Painting by Gregor Rosenbauer, looking south-west across garden apartment towards cubiculum.

Photo courtesy Foto Marburg © Architekturmuseum der TU München, Inventar-Nr. rosen-30-19, 1149367. CC-BY-NC-ND.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. South-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. South-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. 
Painted plaster on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010.

Painted plaster on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. 
Detail of painted plaster above zoccolo on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019.

Detail of painted decoration above zoccolo on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of painted zoccolo on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail of painted zoccolo on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. Painted plaster on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.
Photographed 1970-79 by Günther Einhorn, picture courtesy of his son Ralf Einhorn.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. Painted plaster on west wall in south-west corner between the diaeta and the triclinium.

Photographed 1970-79 by Günther Einhorn, picture courtesy of his son Ralf Einhorn.


VI.2.4 Pompeii.1890 painting from Niccolini of west wall between the diaeta and the triclinium.
Secondo Niccolini: PITTURA MURALE. Riproduciamo in questa tavola una importante parete a fondo nero scavata al principio del secolo. 
Di questo grazioso dipinto non resta a Pompei vestigio alcuno e ci è dato di poterlo riprodurre solo perchè conserviamo nei nostri cartoni la copia originale fatta da valente artista dell' epoca.
According to Niccolini: WALL PAINTING. We reproduce in this table an important black-ground wall excavated at the start of the century. 
Of this graceful painting no vestige remains in Pompeii and we can reproduce it only because we preserve our cartons the original copy made by the valiant artist of that era.
See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli, L’Arte in Pompei, p. XXXIV, pl. LIII.

VI.2.4 Pompeii.1890 painting from Niccolini of west wall between the diaeta and the triclinium.

Secondo Niccolini: PITTURA MURALE. Riproduciamo in questa tavola una importante parete a fondo nero scavata al principio del secolo.

Di questo grazioso dipinto non resta a Pompei vestigio alcuno e ci è dato di poterlo riprodurre solo perché conserviamo nei nostri cartoni la copia originale fatta da valente artista dell'epoca.

(According to Niccolini: WALL PAINTING. We reproduce in this photo an important wall on a black background, excavated at the start of the century.

Of this graceful painting no vestige remains in Pompeii and we can reproduce it only because we preserved the original copy made by the valiant artist of that era.)

See Niccolini F, 1890. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Terzo. Napoli, L’Arte in Pompei, p. XXXIV, pl. LIII.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1877. Black peristyle wall decoration.
According to Presuhn & Steeger reproducing a small piece situated to the left, in front of the small bedroom. 
See Steeger V., 1877. Le più belle pareti di Pompei. Torino: Loescher. Fasc. I, Tav. V.
Kuivalainen shows a drawing by Reinach (122, 12 (RP 1922), which looks very similar to the figures in the panel above, and which he describes as –
“A composition of two figures against a black background. A standing floating figure adorned with a pine wreath wears a cloak or a nebris over his right shoulder falling to his left hip; he holds a bunch of grapes in his raised right hand, and carries an infant in his left arm and cupped hand.
The infant with wings tries to reach the grapes.”
The drawing by Reinach is described as being from the north wall of the peristyle, next to the small garden in the south side of the house.
See Kuivalainen, I., 2021. The Portrayal of Pompeian Bacchus. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 140. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, (G1, p.189).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. c.1877. Black peristyle wall decoration.

According to Presuhn & Steeger reproducing a small piece situated to the left, in front of the small bedroom.

See Steeger V., 1877. Le più belle pareti di Pompei. Torino: Loescher. Fasc. I, Tav. V.

Kuivalainen shows a drawing by Reinach (122, 12 (RP 1922), which looks very similar to the figures in the panel above, and which he describes as –

“A composition of two figures against a black background. A standing floating figure adorned with a pine wreath wears a cloak or a nebris over his right shoulder falling to his left hip; he holds a bunch of grapes in his raised right hand, and carries an infant in his left arm and cupped hand.

The infant with wings tries to reach the grapes.”

The drawing by Reinach is described as being from the north wall of the peristyle, next to the small garden in the south side of the house.

See Kuivalainen, I., 2021. The Portrayal of Pompeian Bacchus. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 140. Helsinki: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, (G1, p.189).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south across portico of small garden area towards doorway to diaeta, on right.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south across portico of small garden area towards doorway to diaeta, on right.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south into doorway to diaeta. 
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south into doorway to diaeta.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010. 
Doorway to diaeta on south wall in south-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. June 2010.

Doorway to diaeta on south wall in south-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. Between 1823 and 1828, sketch by F. Duban.
Looking south across west portico towards doorway to diaeta/cubiculum on south wall in south-west corner of garden apartment. 
See Duban F. Album de dessins d'architecture effectués par Félix Duban pendant son pensionnat à la Villa Medicis, entre 1823 et 1828: Tome 2, Pompéi, pl. 29.
INHA Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425 (2)
https://bibliotheque-numerique.inha.fr/idurl/1/7157  « Licence Ouverte / Open Licence » Etalab

VI.2.4 Pompeii. Between 1823 and 1828, sketch by F. Duban.

Looking south across west portico towards doorway to diaeta/cubiculum on south wall in south-west corner of garden apartment.

See Duban F. Album de dessins d'architecture effectués par Félix Duban pendant son pensionnat à la Villa Medicis, entre 1823 et 1828: Tome 2, Pompéi, pl. 29.

INHA Identifiant numérique NUM PC 40425 (2)

https://bibliotheque-numerique.inha.fr/idurl/1/7157  « Licence OuverteOpen Licence » Etalab


VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1805 painting by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of entrance to the cubiculum/diaeta in the south-west corner of the peristyle.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1200.
Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1805 painting by Giuseppe Chiantarelli of entrance to the cubiculum/diaeta in the south-west corner of the peristyle.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS1200.

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking towards south wall of diaeta.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking towards south wall of diaeta.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. April 2012. 
Looking towards south wall in diaeta in south-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Marina Fuxa.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. April 2012.

Looking towards south wall in diaeta in south-west corner of garden apartment. Photo courtesy of Marina Fuxa.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1807 painting by F. Morelli of south wall in diaeta in south-west corner of garden apartment. 
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS126.
Photo © ICCD. http://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it
Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)

VI.2.4 Pompeii. 1807 painting by F. Morelli of south wall in diaeta in south-west corner of garden apartment.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number ADS126.

Photo © ICCD. https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it

Utilizzabili alle condizioni della licenza Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 IT)


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking towards upper south wall, south-west corner and west wall.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Looking towards upper south wall, south-west corner and west wall.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Upper south wall with painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Upper south wall with painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden with wall painting of Ares and Aphrodite on south wall.
Mau stated: On the outer walls of the 2 sleeping rooms, in the south Garden, ………room on the right on the rear inner wall - two pairs of lovers, Paris and Helen in the House of Menelaus, and Aries and Aphrodite.
See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey F. W. Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan. (p.283-7).
Helbig stated: 2nd peristyle on the south side of the house, room to the right behind this peristyle, Paris & Elena, 1311, above that – Aphrodite and Aries 319.
See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (1311, 319).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. September 2004. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden with wall painting of Ares and Aphrodite on south wall.

Mau stated: On the outer walls of the 2 sleeping rooms, in the south Garden, ………room on the right on the rear inner wall - two pairs of lovers, Paris and Helen in the House of Menelaus, and Aries and Aphrodite.

See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey F. W. Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan. (p.283-7).

Helbig stated: 2nd peristyle on the south side of the house, room to the right behind this peristyle, Paris & Elena, 1311, above that – Aphrodite and Aries 319.

See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (1311, 319).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. 
Painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus, from south wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. 
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019.

Painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus, from south wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. 
Painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus, from south wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. 
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017.

Painting of Ares and Aphrodite/Mars and Venus, from south wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. April 2012. 
South wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. Painting of Ares and Aphrodite. Photo courtesy of Marina Fuxa. 
See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (319).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. April 2012.

South wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. Painting of Ares and Aphrodite. Photo courtesy of Marina Fuxa.

See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (319).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. South wall. Painting of Ares and Aphrodite. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer. See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (319).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010.

South wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. Painting of Ares and Aphrodite. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (319).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Central panel of south wall with faded remains of fresco of Paris and Elena.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Central panel of south wall with faded remains of fresco of Paris and Elena.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. Central panel of south wall with faded remains of fresco of Paris and Elena.  Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer. See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (1311).

VI.2.4 Pompeii. May 2010. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.

Central panel of south wall with faded remains of fresco of Paris and Elena. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

See Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel. (1311).


VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail remaining of painted zoccolo in centre of lower south wall.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. March 2019. Detail remaining of painted zoccolo in centre of lower south wall.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. West wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
According to Scafati’s Guide – 
“On the right side of the wall is seen a lararium, or small niche.
Here was found a small idol of metal, a small vase of gold, a piece of money, also of gold, and twelve others of bronze of the Emperor Vespasian.
In the cubiculum to the left (the one in the south-east corner of garden area) were found, eight small columns of bronze and remains of gilt wood which formed part of a bed.”
See Scafati, Guide to Pompeii Illustrated, 1900. p.105-106.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. West wall of cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

According to Scafati’s Guide –

“On the right side of the wall is seen a lararium, or small niche.

Here was found a small idol of metal, a small vase of gold, a piece of money, also of gold, and twelve others of bronze of the Emperor Vespasian.

In the cubiculum to the left (the one in the south-east corner of garden area) were found, eight small columns of bronze and remains of gilt wood which formed part of a bed.”

See Scafati, Guide to Pompeii Illustrated, 1900. p.105-106.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking towards lower north-west corner and flooring.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking towards lower north-west corner and flooring.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south across flooring of opus sectile.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
According to Laidlaw –
“This room (Diaeta 34) was badly damaged by the bomb; when the debris was cleared at the end of the war, the left (East) and entrance (North) walls were partly rebuilt, and the room reroofed. The pavement in opus sectile, which the blast had shattered, was restored approximately in the pattern of the original, with the missing parts filled in with cement or stray pieces found in the debris.”
See Laidlaw, A., and Stella M. S., 2014. The House of Sallust in Pompeii (VI.2.4): JRA 98. Portsmouth Rhode Island. (p.111). 
See Carratelli, G. P., 1990-2003. Pompei: Pitture e Mosaici. IV. Roma: Istituto della enciclopedia italiana, (p. 136-7, figs 84a, and 84b.)

VI.2.4 Pompeii. December 2017. Looking south across flooring of opus sectile.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

According to Laidlaw –

“This room (Diaeta 34) was badly damaged by the bomb; when the debris was cleared at the end of the war, the left (East) and entrance (North) walls were partly rebuilt, and the room reroofed. The pavement in opus sectile, which the blast had shattered, was restored approximately in the pattern of the original, with the missing parts filled in with cement or stray pieces found in the debris.”

See Laidlaw, A., and Stella M. S., 2014. The House of Sallust in Pompeii (VI.2.4): JRA 98. Portsmouth Rhode Island. (p.111).

See Carratelli, G. P., 1990-2003. Pompei: Pitture e Mosaici. IV. Roma: Istituto della enciclopedia italiana, (p. 136-7, figs 84a, and 84b.)


VI.2.4 Pompeii. July 2010. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden. 
Inlaid marble floor with the new owner of the House of Sallust passing by. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VI.2.4 Pompeii. July 2010. Cubiculum in the south-west corner of small garden.

Inlaid marble floor with the new owner of the House of Sallust passing by. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.



Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Part 9      Plan




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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 29-Aug-2024 23:46