Fountain outside VI.13.17, Pompeii. December 2005.
Fountain outside VI.13.17, Pompeii. May 2006.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. December 2004. Looking south-east to entrance doorway to bar-room.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. December 2004. Entrance doorway with bar-counter, and remains of painted plaster.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. December 2004. Looking east across bar podium or counter, containing one urn and a hearth.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. May 2003. East wall of bar-room. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. May 2003. Looking west from rear of counter and remains of hearth.
Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. September 2005. Looking west in corridor on north side of bar-room.
The doorway on the left leads back into the bar-room, the doorway on the right leads into a room, possibly for the clients.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. September 2005. Stairs to upper floor in room on north side of corridor.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. September 2005. Looking down from top of stairs.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. September 2005.
Looking east along corridor, towards garden and rooms in VI.13.16 on east side.
VI.13.17 Pompeii. 1874 painting by Discanno of two amphorae with their ancient labels.
The house belonged to a wine-merchant, who lived on the other side of the insula at VI.13.16 and had a bar on this side of the insula.
Many wine amphorae were found in the garden area “e”, which were interesting because of their Greek inscriptions.
Presuhn reproduced a drawing by Discanno of two of the amphorae with their ancient writing.
He suggests the names designate the owners of the different crűs of wine, “as well as nowadays they say: Marsala Florio, or Champagne Moët”.
See Presuhn, E. Pompei les derničres fouilles de 1874-75.
Section VI, page 5, plate III.
VI.13.17 Pompeii, on left. December 2004. Vicolo del Labirinto looking south. VI.12, on right.