The room numbers are those referred to on the pompeiiinpictures pages for VI.9.6.
This plan is to help you accurately locate the rooms shown in the photographs of this very large house.
The house pages have been divided into three parts for ease of use, the atrium area, the pseudoperistyle and east side, and the peristyle area.
If your screen is large enough (more than 853px wide) press the entrance you want on the plan to see the pictures.
If you are on a smaller screen such as a phone or tablet you can use the links below to see the pictures.
The plan also shows the link to VI.9.7 and the blocked entrance at VI.9.9.
Please be aware that the room numbers shown reflect the sequence in which we photographed the rooms and will differ from any other plans or records both published and unpublished.
1: Fauces
2: Room to south of entrance that had a latrine and staircase
3: Atrium
4: Area leading to peristyle
5: Cubiculum
7: Room with slit window in south wall, overlooking peristyle
8: Room to east of tablinum, with window to the garden
9: Tablinum
10: Stairs to upper floor. Corridor to pseudoperistyle garden and east side rooms
11: Room in north-east corner of atrium, with remains of supports for benches
12: Room on north side of atrium, with coloured mosaic floor
13: Room on north side of atrium, with recesses in east and west walls
14: Room in north-west corner of atrium
15: Narrow area on west wide of atrium, with small slit window
16: Cubiculum with alcove and raised bed area
10: Corridor to to front of house, with doorway to room 21
17: Pseudoperistyle garden with aedicula lararium with painting of a panther
18: Kitchen with wide latrine and stairs to upper floor
19: Room on north side of garden area
20: Room in north-west corner of garden area
21: Room with window in north-west corner of garden area.
22: Large exedra which was covered in a marble veneer
24: Room with doorway from south of large exedra
25: Room with doorway from room 24
26: Corridor to rustic rooms 27 to 29
27: Corridor to rustic room 29
28: Rustic room
29: Rustic room
6: Large peristyle with door to atrium of VI.9.7
23: Room with vaulted ceiling in north-west corner of peristyle