VI.2.32 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance doorway, looking north from Vicolo di Mercurio.
VI.2.32 Pompeii. May 2005. Looking towards north-east corner, and blocked doorway.
VI.2.32 Pompeii. May 2006. Excavation to lower level of floor in east end of rear room of shop.
VI.2.1 and VI.2.32 Pompeii, on left. May 2005. Vicolo di Mercurio, looking east. VI.3, on right.
VI.2.32 Pompeii.
October 2017. North wall in Vicolo di Mercurio.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC
Grant 681269 DÉCOR.
VI.2.32 Pompeii. October
2017. Looking east along Vicolo di Mercurio, with wall of VI.2.32/4, in centre.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.