
II.4.3 Pompeii. House of Julia Felix or Complesso di Giulia Felice or Praedia di Giulia Felice.

Excavated 1754 to 1757 then re-interred, 1912, 1933, fully re-excavated 1951.

Linked to II.4.2.


(Originally when excavated, this was numbered as Reg. II, Insula 7, no 3).


Part 1      Part 2


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2005. Entrance doorway.

II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2005. Entrance doorway.   


II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2012. Detail of entrance doorway threshold. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2012. Detail of entrance doorway threshold. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Description card. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Description card. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. October 2023. Description card. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

II.4.3 Pompeii. October 2023. Description card. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024.  
Looking through entrance doorway, across atrium towards west portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024.  

Looking through entrance doorway, across atrium towards west portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. 2017/2018/2019. 
Looking through entrance doorway, across atrium towards west portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. 2017/2018/2019.

Looking through entrance doorway, across atrium towards west portico. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Display object. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Display object. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2006. Atrium, or “vestibule of forum frieze” looking north, towards the entrance.

II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2006. Atrium, or “vestibule of forum frieze” looking north, towards the entrance. 


II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Flooring and impluvium in atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Flooring and impluvium in atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  December  2006.  Shallow marble impluvium in atrium.

II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2006. Shallow marble impluvium in atrium. 


II.4.3 Pompeii. June 2012. Floor of atrium. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

II.4.3 Pompeii. June 2012. Floor of atrium. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Looking north across atrium towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Looking north across atrium towards north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Painted decoration on lower level/zoccolo of north wall in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016.

Painted decoration on lower level/zoccolo of north wall in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking towards east wall in north-east corner.
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking towards east wall in north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2019. Looking towards east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2019. Looking towards east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


II.4.3 Pompeii. October 2022. Looking south across atrium towards west portico, in centre. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese

II.4.3 Pompeii. October 2022. Looking south across atrium towards west portico, in centre. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking south along east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Looking south along east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019. Detail of painted decoration on pilaster in east wall of atrium. 
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2019.

Detail of painted decoration on pilaster in east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Looking south along east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.

II.4.3 Pompeii. May 2016. Looking south along east wall of atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.


II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2004. Atrium east wall and doorway to II.4.4.

II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2004. Atrium east wall and doorway to II.4.4. 


II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2019. South-east corner of atrium, with doorway to II.4.4, centre left, and doorway to west portico, on right.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

II.4.3 Pompeii. September 2019.

South-east corner of atrium, with doorway to II.4.4, left, and doorway to west portico, on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  December  2006.  East wall of the atrium, site the “Forum Frieze” which is now in Naples Archaeological Museum.

II.4.3 Pompeii. December 2006. 

East wall of the atrium or vestibule and south-east corner, site of the “Forum Frieze” which is now in Naples Archaeological Museum.


II.4.3 Pompeii. June 2012. Detail of remains of painted plaster in south-east corner of atrium. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.

II.4.3 Pompeii. June 2012. Detail of remains of painted plaster in south-east corner of atrium. Photo courtesy of Michael Binns.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2010. Looking south from doorway in south-east corner of atrium, across portico, towards II.4.10, on right.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2010.

Looking south from doorway in south-east corner of atrium, across portico, towards II.4.10, on right. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2005. Looking south from doorway in south-east corner of atrium, along west portico (of II.4.6).
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2005.

Looking south from doorway in south-east corner of atrium, along west portico (of II.4.6). Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. 
Descriptive card from “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023.

Descriptive card from “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
On the left, (inv. 9062) – Mulo sellato; quadriga, cavaliere e uomo dorati. (Saddled mule; gilded quadriga (chariot), rider and man).
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

On the left, (inv. 9062) – Mulo sellato; quadriga, cavaliere e uomo dorati. (Saddled mule; gilded quadriga (chariot), rider and man).

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9059) – Mendicante e donne; tre uomini presso statua equestre e donna. 
(Beggar and women; three men by an equestrian statue and woman).  Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9059) – Mendicante e donne; tre uomini presso statua equestre e donna.

(Beggar and women; three men by an equestrian statue and woman).  Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Paintings of the Forum frieze, inv. 9063 at Naples Museum.
On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled - L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. March 2024. Paintings of the Forum frieze, inv. 9063 at Naples Museum.

On display in exhibition in Palaestra entitled - L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del Vesuvio”. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
Above (inv. 9063) – Vendita di tessuti, pentolame e pane davanti a colonnato. 
(Sale of fabrics, pots and pans and bread in front of a colonnade.)  Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Above (inv. 9063) – Vendita di tessuti, pentolame e pane davanti a colonnato.

(Sale of fabrics, pots and pans and bread in front of a colonnade.)  Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.



II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

On the smaller left part is a donkey with a saddle.

On the right part is the arrival of horsemen and a quadriga (a chariot with four horses yoked together). 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9062.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.231, Tav. 44).


II.4.3 Pompeii. 1762 drawing of two parts of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9062. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.231, Tav. 44).

II.4.3 Pompeii. 1762 drawing of two parts of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9062.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.231, Tav. 44).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  
Two women in front of a group of people, looking at or giving alms to a man with a dog.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9059. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 227, Tav.43).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

On the left part are a woman and a youth, looking at or giving alms to a man with a dog.

On the right part is an equestrian statue with a person passing by and three others behind columns.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9059.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 227, Tav.43).


II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of clothing, pots and other objects. Found on east wall of the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9063.
This painting shows the same inventory number (9062) on its frame as the painting of the chariot and the donkey. According to Pagano and Prisciandaro the sale of clothing picture is 9063 and the chariot and the donkey is 9062. See Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli.  Naples: Nicola Longobardi. (p. 16 and inventory list in second volume). See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 221, Tav.42).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze”. Sale of clothing, pots and other objects. Found on east wall of the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9063.

This painting shows the same inventory number (9062) on its frame as the painting of the chariot and the donkey.

According to Pagano and Prisciandaro the sale of clothing picture is 9063 and the chariot and the donkey is 9062.

See Pagano, M. and Prisciandaro, R., 2006. Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del regno di Napoli.  Naples: Nicola Longobardi. (p. 16 and inventory list in second volume).

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 221, Tav.42).


II.4.3 Pompeii. Pre-1843. Drawings by Abbate.
Top left, inventory number 9066. 
Top right, inventory number 9067.  
Lower drawing – The sale of clothing, pots and other objects. Now in Naples Archaeological Museum, inventory number: 9063.
See Raccolta de più interessante Dipinture e di più belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1843. Napoli.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Pre-1843. Drawings by Abbate.

Top left, inventory number 9066.

Top right, inventory number 9067.  

Lower drawing – The sale of clothing, pots and other objects. Now in Naples Archaeological Museum, inventory number: 9063.

See Raccolta de più interessante Dipinture e di più belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1843. Napoli.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of clothing.  Found on East wall of the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9063.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of clothing. Found on east wall of the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9063.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of pots.  Found on East wall of the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9063.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”. Sale of pots. Found on east wall of the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9063.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of other objects.  Found on East wall of the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9063.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Close up of part of the “Forum Frieze”.  Sale of other objects. Found on east wall of the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9063.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9065) – Vendita di commestibili presso un arco. (Sale of foodstuffs near an arch). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9065) – Vendita di commestibili presso un arco. (Sale of foodstuffs near an arch). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9067) – Vendita di un schiava. (Sale of a slave girl). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9067) – Vendita di un schiava. (Sale of a slave girl). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9064) – vendita di tessuti. (Sale of fabrics). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9064) – vendita di tessuti. (Sale of fabrics). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9057) – Carro e uomo; mulo con soma e tre uomini. 
(Cart and man; mule with load and three men). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9057) – Carro e uomo; mulo con soma e tre uomini.

(Cart and man; mule with load and three men). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9061) – Vendita di scarpe; scriba e statua equestre. 
(Sale of shoes; scribe and equestrian statue). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9061) – Vendita di scarpe; scriba e statua equestre.

(Sale of shoes; scribe and equestrian statue). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Scene of Forum life.  Sale of cooked food.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9065.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Scene of Forum life. Sale of cooked food. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9065.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 227, Tav. 43).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. Presentation of a young girl to a sitting magistrate.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9067. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Presentation of a young girl to a sitting magistrate. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9067.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  The seller or sale of cloth.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9064. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41)

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. The seller or sale of cloth.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9064.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav. 41).


II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  
On the left part is the arrival from the countryside of a cart pulled by a mule and an ass carrying a load.  
On the right part is three men with another donkey with a saddle.
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9057.
See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

On the left part is the arrival from the countryside of a cart pulled by a mule and an ass carrying a load. 

On the right part is three men with another donkey with a saddle.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9057.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).


II.4.3 Pompeii. 1762 drawing of two parts of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9057. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).

II.4.3 Pompeii. 1762 drawing of two parts of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9057.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).


II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  On the left part is a painting of the shoe seller or the sale of shoes. On the smaller right part is a painting of an equestrian statue with a seated figure writing and a walking figure. Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9061. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41) .

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

On the left part is a painting of the shoe seller or the sale of shoes.

On the smaller right part is a painting of an equestrian statue with a seated figure writing and a walking figure.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9061.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41).


Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
Above (inv. 9068) - Lettura di iscrizione affissa su tre basi di statue. (Reading of inscription affixed on three statues bases).
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023.

Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Above (inv. 9068) - Lettura di iscrizione affissa su tre basi di statue. (Reading of inscription affixed on three statues bases).

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9066) – Lezione di lettura e punizione di scolaro. (Reading lesson and punishment of a pupil.)
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9066) – Lezione di lettura e punizione di scolaro. (Reading lesson and punishment of a pupil.)

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
In centre (inv. 9069) – Vendita di attrezzi da lavoro e di scarpe. (Sale of work tools and shoes). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

In centre (inv. 9069) – Vendita di attrezzi da lavoro e di scarpe. (Sale of work tools and shoes). Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023. 
Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.
Above (inv. 9070) – Sei uomini davanti a colonnata e statue. (Six men in front of a colonnade and statues).
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

II.4.3 Pompeii. April 2023.

Paintings of the Forum frieze, on display in “Campania Romana” gallery in Naples Archaeological Museum.

Above (inv. 9070) – Sei uomini davanti a colonnata e statue. (Six men in front of a colonnade and statues).

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  
Forum scene of people reading a banner across the front of the equestrian statues.  
Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9068.
See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

Forum scene of people reading a banner across the front of the equestrian statues. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9068.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.227, Tav. 43).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  The punishment of a scholar.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9066. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41)

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. The punishment of a scholar.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9066.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 213, Tav.41).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  Sale of utensils and pots.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9069. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antichita di Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 221, Tav.42).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. Sale of utensils and pots.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 9069.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p. 221, Tav.42).


II.4.3 Pompeii.  Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium.  A meeting of pedestrians talking amongst themselves.  Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9070. See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.221, Tav. 42).

II.4.3 Pompeii. Part of the “Forum Frieze” found in the atrium. 

A meeting of pedestrians talking amongst themselves. 

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 9070.

See Accademici Ercolanesi, 1762. Le Pitture Antiche d’Ercolano: Tome III. (p.221, Tav. 42).


II.4.3 Pompeii. Pre-1843. Drawings by Abbate.
Top left – The punishment of a scholar, inventory number 9066. 
Top right - Presentation of a young girl to a sitting magistrate, inventory number 9067. 
Lower drawing – The sale of clothing, pots and other objects, inventory number: 9063.
See Raccolta de più interessante Dipinture e di più belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1843. Napoli.

II.4.3 Pompeii. Pre-1843. Drawings by Abbate.

Top left – The punishment of a scholar, inventory number 9066.

Top right - Presentation of a young girl to a sitting magistrate, inventory number 9067.

Lower drawing – The sale of clothing, pots and other objects, inventory number: 9063.

See Raccolta de più interessante Dipinture e di più belle Musaici rinvenuti negli Scavi di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia. 1843. Napoli.



Part 2




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 26-Aug-2024 17:09