
I.2.17 Pompeii. House. Excavated 1869.


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I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. 
Detail of marble work on base in atrium, looking south. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Detail of marble work on base in atrium, looking south. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii. 1935 photograph taken by Tatiana Warscher. 
Looking south across atrium towards base and impluvium.
According to Warscher, quoting Bull. Inst, 1874, p.264 –
I.2.17 “Nell’ atrio dietro l’impluvio di marmo sta un base, nella parte anteriore rivestita di marmo, e dietro di essa una tavola sopra sostegno quadrangolare.
La decorazione dell’atrio è semplice: sopra zoccolo nero scompartimenti neri, rossi e gialli. 
A destra dell’entrata abbiamo una camera rozzamente decorata con finestra sul vico.
A sinistra primo un vano, che, come pare, conteneva la scala di legno, sotto la quale un armadio era accessibile dalle fauces, poi la cucina col cesso.
Sul lato destro dell’atrio non v’è nulla, su quel sinistro due camere, congiunte fra loro, la seconda con larga apertura sul peristilio.
Sul lato di fonde vi è il tablino, decorato nello stile della suddescritta stanza del ratto del Palladio (vedi p.199s.) colla pittura d’Endimione, descritta Bull. 1873, p.238.
Dietro il tablino, ma più a sinistra ed accessibile per una porta in fondo ad esso, troviamo un piccolo viridarium, le cui pareti nella parte più bassa hanno dipinto un cancello, sopra delle piante. 
Appoggiata al muro destro vi è una vasca murata, alta m.0,58 dentro e 0,73 fuori, e un’altra accanto a questa prima verso S.
See Warscher T., 1935. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus: Regio I.2. (no.29), Rome: DAIR, whose copyright it remains.
I. 2.17 "In the atrium behind the marble impluvium was a base, in the front part covered in marble, and behind it a table above a four-sided support. The decoration of the atrium was simple: above a black zoccolo were compartments of blacks, reds and yellows.  
To the right of the entrance there is a rough room decorated with a window onto the roadway.  To the left, first one room, which, as it seemed, contained the wooden staircase, under which a cupboard was accessible from the fauces, then the kitchen with toilet.  On the right side of the Atrium there was nothing, on the left side two rooms, joined between them, the second with wide opening onto the peristyle. At the rear side there was the tablinum, decorated in the style of the described room of the painting of the Palladium (see I.2.6), with a painting of Endymion, described Bull. 1873, p. 238. 
Behind the tablinum, but more to the left and accessible by a door at the back of it, we find a small viridarium, whose walls at the lowest part had paintings of a gate, with plants above. Leaning against the right wall there was a walled basin, alta m. 0.58 inside and 0.73 outside, and another next to this first towards the south.")

I.2.17 Pompeii. 1935 photograph taken by Tatiana Warscher.

Looking south across atrium towards base and impluvium.

According to Warscher, quoting Bull. Inst, 1874, p.264 –

I.2.17 “Nell’ atrio dietro l’impluvio di marmo sta un base, nella parte anteriore rivestita di marmo, e dietro di essa una tavola sopra sostegno quadrangolare.

La decorazione dell’atrio è semplice: sopra zoccolo nero scompartimenti neri, rossi e gialli.

A destra dell’entrata abbiamo una camera rozzamente decorata con finestra sul vico.

A sinistra primo un vano, che, come pare, conteneva la scala di legno, sotto la quale un armadio era accessibile dalle fauces, poi la cucina col cesso.

Sul lato destro dell’atrio non v’è nulla, su quel sinistro due camere, congiunte fra loro, la seconda con larga apertura sul peristilio.

Sul lato di fonde vi è il tablino, decorato nello stile della suddescritta stanza del ratto del Palladio (vedi p.199s.) colla pittura d’Endimione, descritta Bull. 1873, p.238.

Dietro il tablino, ma più a sinistra ed accessibile per una porta in fondo ad esso, troviamo un piccolo viridarium, le cui pareti nella parte più bassa hanno dipinto un cancello, sopra delle piante.

Appoggiata al muro destro vi è una vasca murata, alta m.0,58 dentro e 0,73 fuori, e un’altra accanto a questa prima verso S”.

See Warscher T., 1935. Codex Topographicus Pompeianus: Regio I.2. (no.29), Rome: DAIR, whose copyright it remains.


I. 2.17 "In the atrium behind the marble impluvium was a base, in the front part covered in marble, and behind it a table above a four-sided support.

The decoration of the atrium was simple: above a black zoccolo were compartments of blacks, reds and yellows. 

To the right of the entrance there is a rough room decorated with a window onto the roadway.

To the left, first one room, which, as it seemed, contained the wooden staircase, under which a cupboard was accessible from the fauces, then the kitchen with toilet.

On the right side of the atrium there was nothing, on the left side two rooms, joined between them, the second with wide opening onto the peristyle. At the rear side there was the tablinum, decorated in the style of the described room of the painting of the Palladium (see I.2.6), but with a painting of Endymion, described Bull. 1873, p. 238.

Behind the tablinum, but more to the left and accessible by a door at the back of it, we find a small viridarium, whose walls at the lowest part had paintings of a gate, with plants above.

Leaning against the right wall there was a walled basin, height m. 0.58 inside and 0.73 outside, and another next to this first towards the south.")


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009. Room 1. Atrium, Looking south across site of Impluvium.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 1, looking south across site of impluvium in atrium.


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009. Looking towards the north-west corner of atrium, and doorway to room 5.

I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009.

Looking towards the north-west corner of atrium, and doorway to room 5


I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 5, north wall of cubiculum, with window.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 5, north wall of cubiculum, with window.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking south from doorway of room 5, into atrium, and across to doorway of room 6. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Looking south from doorway of room 5, into atrium, and across to doorway of room 6. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009.  Looking north east across Atrium, Room 1.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north-east across room 1, atrium.


I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 1, atrium, looking north to masonry pilaster clad with marble, marble table leg and site of impluvium. According to Fiorelli, the atrium had an impluvium and a marble table, and a small pilaster carrying the image of Hercules. See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.36)
According to Jashemski, the marble statuette of Hercules wrapped in a lionskin found in the atrium was probably a garden decoration. The statue is now in Naples Archaeological Museum, inventory number 109677. See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.24)

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009.

Room 1, atrium, looking north to masonry pilaster clad with marble, marble table leg and site of impluvium.

According to Fiorelli, the atrium had an impluvium and a marble table, and a small pilaster carrying the image of Hercules.

See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.36)

According to Jashemski, the marble statuette of Hercules wrapped in a lion skin found in the atrium was probably a garden decoration.

The statue is now in Naples Archaeological Museum, inventory number 109677.

See Jashemski, W. F., 1993. The Gardens of Pompeii, Volume II: Appendices. New York: Caratzas. (p.24)


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking south across atrium, from near room 5.
The doorway to room 6, a cubiculum, is on the right. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Looking south across atrium, from near room 5. The doorway to room 6, a cubiculum, is on the right. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking south across atrium towards doorway to room 6, cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Looking south across atrium towards doorway to room 6, cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009.  Room 6. Cubiculum.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway to room 6, cubiculum.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, upper south wall with detail of window. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Room 6, upper south wall with detail of window. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, cubiculum, with recess in south-west corner.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, cubiculum, with recess in south-west corner.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, south-west corner with detail of bed recess or niche. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, south-west corner with detail of bed recess or niche. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009. . Room 6. Cubiculum, recess in west wall.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, cubiculum, with recess in west wall.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, south-east corner with detail of bed recess or niche. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, south-east corner with detail of bed recess or niche. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


I.2.17 Pompeii.  March 2009.  Room 6. Cubiculum, South east corner.

I.2.17 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, south-east corner of cubiculum.


I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 6, north wall with doorway to atrium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

I.2.17 Pompeii. September 2010.

Room 6, north wall with doorway to atrium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.



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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 01-Jul-2024 19:35