
Pompeii Herculaneum Gate West (South). Tombs, villas and the Via dei Sepolcri

Pompei Porta Ercolano Ovest (Sud). Tombe, ville e la Via dei Sepolcri

Pompeji Herkulaner Tor West (Süd). Gräber, Villen und die Via dei Sepolcri

Pompeii Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede Pompeii Villa of Cicero or Villa di Cicerone or Villa detta di Cicerone HGW001 HGW02 HGW03 HGW04 HGW04a HGW04b HGW04c HGW04d HGW04ef HGW05 HGW07 HGW08 HGW09 HGW10 HGW11 HGW12 HGW13 HGW14 HGW15 HGW15a HGW16 HGW17 HGW18 HGW19 HGW20 HGW21 HGW22 HGW23 HGW25 Pompeii Herculaneum Gate West (South). Tombs, villas and the Via dei Sepolcri

Plan of the shops, villas and tombs outside the Herculaneum Gate at Pompeii on the West (South) side of Via dei Sepolcri.

Pianta delle botteghe, delle ville e delle tombe fuori dalla Porta di Ercolano a Pompei sul lato Ovest (sud) di Via dei Sepolcri.

Plan der Geschäfte, Villen und Gräber vor dem Herkulaner-Tor in Pompeji auf der West(Süd)seite der Via dei Sepolcri.


Each entrance has a specific page on our site with information and photographs.

If your screen is large enough (more than 853px wide) press the entrance you want on the plan to see the pictures.

If you are on a smaller screen such as a phone or tablet you can use the links below to see the pictures.


Eschebach referred to this as the west side of the Via dei Sepolcri.

Kockel refers to it as Süd (south) and there are small differences in numbering.

See Kockel V., 1983. Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji. Mainz: von Zabern.

Each of our pages contains both references.


Diomedes  Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede

Cicero       Villa of Cicero or Villa di Cicerone or Villa detta di Cicerone

HGW01     Tomb of Marcus Cerrinius Restitutus

HGW02     Schola Tomb of Aulus Veius or Sedile di A. Veio

HGW03     Tomb of M. Porcius

HGW04     Schola Tomb of Mamia

HGW04a   Tomb of Gens Istacidia

HGW04b   Grave enclosure to east of HGW04a

HGW04c   Sepolcro dei comici pompeiani

HGW04d   Sepolcro di bestiami

HGW04e   Grave enclosure of the Buccii and the Melissaei. (approximate location, exact location not known)

HGW04f    Grave enclosure of the Buccii and the Melissaei. (approximate location, exact location not known)

HGW05     Shop

HGW06     Villa of Cicero or Villa di Cicerone or Villa detta di Cicerone

HGW07     Thermopolium or Shop

HGW08     Shop

HGW09     Shop

HGW10     Shop

HGW11     Shop

HGW12     Shop

HGW13     Shop

HGW14     Thermopolium or shop

HGW15     Shop

HGW15a   Entrance from HGW15 to Villa detta di Cicerone

HGW16     Unfinished grave? Tomb of Tyche, slave of Julia Augusta. Tomb of Aulus Umbricius Scaurus son of Aulus?

HGW17     Tomb of Numerius Festius Ampliatus? Tomb of Aulus Umbricius Scaurus son of Aulus?

HGW18     Tomb of Caius Fabius Secundus? Tomba rotunda o del fanciullo.  Sepolcro rotunda

HGW19     Unnamed Tomb

HGW20     Tomb of C Calventius Quietus. Cenotafia di Calvenzio.

HGW21     Tomb of Numerius Istacidius Helenus, N. Istacidius Ianuarius and Mesonia Satulla

HGW22     Tomb of Naevoleia Tyche, C. Munatius Faustus & C. Munatius Atimetus. Tomb of Salvius?

HGW23     Triclinium funebre of Cn. Vibrius Saturninus

HGW24     Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede

HGW25     Rear entrance to Villa of Diomedes or Villa di Diomede


HGE          Pompeii Herculaneum Gate East side



The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 31-May-2024 23:20