Pompeii Porta Nocera. Tombs on the Via delle Tombe. Tombe sulla Via delle Tombe. Gräber auf der Via delle Tombe. Pompeiiinpictures plan.
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The tomb numbering is based on that used by D'Ambrosio and De Caro to enable you to refer directly to their material for further photographs, descriptions of tombs, their construction, floor plans, finds and naming.
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano.
2EN. Tomb with hunt scene
4EN. Tomb of L. Cellius
6EN. Tomb of an anonymous female
8EN. Tomb of the Gens Aninia
10EN. Unidentified tomb with female statue next to it
12EN. Unidentified tomb or Tomb
of L. Hadonina?
14EN. Tomb with drawings of gladiator graffiti which may have had a tholos on top
16EN. Tomb of Numerius Alleius Auctus and eight others
18EN. Unidentified tomb or ustrinum or unused tomb
20EN. Tetrapylon tomb
22EN. Tomb of Lucius Publicius Syneros, Aebia Fausta, Lucius Aebius Aristo and Aebia Hilara
24EN. Tomb with a male columella
26EN. Tomb with a male columella
28EN. Tomb of unidentified person
30EN. Tomb of Melissaea, daughter of Numerius Melissaeus, and two Marcus Servilius’, father and son
32EN. Tomb of Lucius Sepunius Sandilianus?
34EN. Tomb with eight cippi. Tomb of Afrea Prima?
34aEN. Collapsed aedicula tomb with floral stucco decoration and three statues
36EN. Unidentified tomb with four columelle
38EN. Unidentified tomb
40EN. Tomb of unidentified female
40aEN. Tomb of unidentified female
42EN. Tomb of Derecia Methe
44EN. Unidentified tomb
1ES. Tomb with four uninscribed columelle and a male marble bust
3ES. Tomb of Veia Barchilla and Numerius Agrestinus Equitius Pulcher
5ES. Unidentified enclosure tomb with rectangular facade
7ES. Unidentified tomb with entrance steps built into wall
9ES. Tomb of Caius Munatius Faustus and Naevoleia Tyche, Lucio Naevoleius Eutrapelus, Munatia Euche, Helpis, Primigenia, Arsinoe, Psiche and Atimetus
11ES. Tomb of Aulus Veius Atticus, Aulus Veius Nymphius and a circular marble disc of Marcus Herrenius Epidianus
13ES. Tomb of a military man
15ES. Tomb of Lucius Barbidius Communis and Pithia Rufilla, Acris, Aulus Dentatius Fortunatus, Aulus Dentatius Felix, Aulo Dentatio A. L. Celso, Pompeia Aucta, L. Barbidio Vitali, Vitalis, Ianuarius
Enclosure between 15ES and 17ES with lava block step in wall
17ES. Tomb of Caius Cuspius Cyrus, Caius Cuspius Salvius and Vesvia Iucunda
19ES. Unidentified tomb
Display of items found in and near the tombs
1OS. Unidentified tomb
3OS. Tomb of Lucius Ceius Serapio and his wife Helvia
5OS. Tomb of Aulus Clodius Iustus, Aulus Clodius Aegialus, Tironia Repentina, Clodia Nigella, Aulus Clodius Faustus, Aulus Clodius Pompeianus, Clodia Auli, Lucidus
7OS. Tomb of Publius Flavius Philoxsenus and Flavia Agathea, Acastus, Spiron
9OS. Tomb of a magistrate?
11OS. Tomb of Eumachia, Lucius Eumachius Aprilis, Cneius Alleius Eroti, Cneius Alleius Logus, Pomponia Decharcis
13OS. Tomb of Marcus Octavius and Vertia Philumina
15OS. Tomb of Caius Minatius Iucundus and Antistia M L Auxesis
17OS. Tomb of Lucius Tillius, Caius Tillius Rufus, Caius Tillius, Fadia, Caius Tillius Rufus
17aOS. Tomb of Popidius Nicostratus
17bOS. Tomb of Titus Muttius Proculus and Lucius Muttius Martialis
19OS. Unidentified tomb
19aOS. Tomb of Helle Puella
19bOS. Unidentified tomb not visible today
21OS. Tomb of the gens Stallia, Stallia Haphe, Bebrix
23OS. Aedicula tomb of Publius Vesonius Phileros, Vesonia, and Marcus Orfellius Faustus, Publius Vesonius Pileros, Publius Vesonius Proculus, Vesonia Urbana, Eliodorus
25OS. Unidentified tomb
25aOS. Tomb of Castricia Prisca
27OS. Tomb of Aulus Campius Antiocus
29OS. Tomb of Lucius Caesius and Annedia
31OS. Tomb of Marcus Stronnius Meinius, Stronnia Acatarchis, Caius Stronnius, pater, and Caius Stronnius, filius
Area with plaster casts of fleeing victims bodies
Cippus of Suedius Clemens outside Porta Nocera